Best Conference Calling > CogniConference™

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lowest price conference call

  • Features/Pricing
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  • CogniConference™ Pricing and Features

    Pricing and Features CogniConference™ National Average
    Cost Per Leg (from Continental U.S.) 9.9¢/min 25.0¢/min
    Cost Per Leg (from Canada) 24.5¢/min Not Available
    Cost Per Leg (from over 50 other countries) click here Not Available
    Number of Legs 16 legs 6 legs
    On the fly conference ability YES NO
    Scheduled conference ability YES YES
    Dedicated toll free number that never changes YES NO
    Programmable Host Password that is the only one that can start a conference YES NO
    Programmable Participant Password that allows people to join particular conferences YES NO
    Easy to use telephony interface YES NO
    Easy to use web interface YES NO
    No operator required YES NO
    Monthly Fee $0.00 $15/month
    Per conference fee $0.00 $5.95
    Automatic Credit Card Payment Method YES NO
    Credit Card Payment ONLY YES NO
    Control Costs with your Usage Limit click here  

    Click Here to set up your account now!

    Web Account Features

    • 16 simultaneous conference legs
    • International toll free access to conference from over 50 countries
    • Personalized account administration web site
    • Schedule, monitor, and cancel conferences with email notification to participants
    • On-line invoices
    • Raw call detail report
    • Profile management
    • Payment history
    • Web enabled customer service

    Future Features

    • PayPal and company check payments
    • Integrated follow-me locator service
    Compare CogniConference™ with AT&T!

    AT&T charges a $15 setup fee for each conference call, plus 68 CENTS PER MINUTE PER PARTICIPANT on the call.

    Compare that to CogniConference, which has ZERO setup fee, and is 9.9 cents/minute for each participant.

    A typical conference call with 10 participants for 30 minutes is well over $200 with AT&T, while the same conference call is well under $50 with CogniConference™!
    CogniConference™ is designed for business and personal/family use. Get together for the holiday, even if everyone can't afford to travel. Meeting with another company? Do it over the phone! Have important news to share with your whole family? We have the solution -- CogniConference™.