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  • Can a conference be taped and put on audio cassette?
    The laws regarding the recording of phone calls are different in each part of the world.  We recommend that you notify all the parties involved that the call is being recorded and the purpose(s) for which the recording will be used. In many states and countries, you are legally required to do this.

    Below, we have provided links to legal and other reference sites which relate to recording telephone conversations or other telecommunications laws. Bear in mind, however, that the information contained on these sites does not constitute a considered legal view of the telecommunications or other law in your location. You should consult your attorney or legal advisor to clarify the law in your location. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to comply with all laws and regulations that apply to the recording of any phone conversation.

    United States
    The Federal Communications Commission has information HERE which provides information about recording telephone conversations.

    The American Civil Liberties Union has some legal information HERE - which is specific to individual States.

    PI Mall has a list of each of the 50 States, with legal and other information (compiled from newsgroup postings) specific to each State HERE.

    United Kingdom
    Oftel, the UK Office of Telecommunications, has some information about recording telephone conversations on THIS PAGE.

    In June 1999, the UK Home Office issued a consultation paper on the interception of communications in the UK.  You can read it HERE. (You'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded HERE for free.)

    Some of the laws applicable to the recording of telephone calls (and other telecommunications) in the UK are:

    Many of these laws and publications can be viewed online at Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

    In Europe, the EU Telecommunications Data Protection Directive may be applicable.

    The Australian Communications Authority The Australian Communications Authority website is here. They have published a "Telecommunications Interception Review." (You'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded HERE for free.)

    The Australian Communications Industry Forum has published a helpful document regarding legislation covering listening and recording of communications. It's available HERE. (Again you'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

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